News on ECLIPSE: Luca Prodi "Medaglia Emanuele Paternò 2024"

Award Luca Prodi: “Medaglia Emanuele Paternò 2024”

Luca Prodi is awarded to a Scientist in recognition of the contribution made to the development of Italian chemical science and technology.


News on ECLIPSE: Luisa de Cola "2024 Centenary Prize for Chemistry and Communication"

Award Luisa de Cola: 2024 Centenary Prize for Chemistry and Communication

For innovative studies on how photophysically active materials and nanostructures may be fabricated for deployment within active biological systems targeting future healthcare solutions, and for excellence in communication.

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ECLIPSE online meeting

Last week ECLipse online meeting. Towards game-changing solution for the pathogen detection


News on ECLIPSE: interview with Prof Danielli

Zanichelli interviewed Prof Danielli about phages and their application also within the ECLIPSE project.

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ECLipse Video is now online

Friday 29 Sept in Bologna we partecipate at the EuropeanResearchersNight with exciting experiments showing to child and adults the importance of biosensing!

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ECLipse Video is now online

Coordinated by the University of Bologna, the new European project will develop portable devices with a level of sensitivity equal or higher than that of molecular PCR swabs, and with much faster results. Eclipse aims to design and produce a nanobiotechnological platform for the detection of pathogens that is both economical, usable even by non-expert personnel and with a high level of sensitivity and reliability.

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Meet ECLIPSE team members

Who are the ECLIPSE team members? Find out on social media

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Publication by Sabrina Conoci, Luca Prodi and Giovanni Valenti on Biosensors and Bioelectronics

P. Nikolaou, E. L. Sciuto, A. Zanut, S. Petralia, G. Valenti, F. Paolucci, L. Prodi, S. Conoci, “Ultrasensitive PCR-Free Detection of Whole Virus Genome by Electrochemiluminescence”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 209, 114165 (2022).

Read the abstract


News on ECLIPSE project published on Unibo Magazine

Unibo Magazine talks about the ECLIPSE project in the article “With ECLIPSE, rapid, reliable and cheap tests to detect viruses, bacteria and parasites”.

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